Pocket Fluff Productions is a team of two creative and vibrant performance artists. Their vision is to fuse high level circus skills with theatre and movement to create unique entertainment for a broad spectrum of audiences, including corporate, cabaret, street theatre, festivals, weddings, funerals, even your nan’s birthday! They have performed their creations across the UK, Europe and America. From the glitzy stage of the Brit Awards to dusty street corners (and everywhere in between!) Pocket Fluff has brought laughter and smiles to all that have seen them.
The company was founded in 2014 by Harry Clements and Kirsty Egginton after they finished their studies at Circomedia and Winchester University Street Arts respectively. They then honed their skills at Pitch Catch Circus school 2015/16.
Their goal is to play hard, push boundaries, refine skills and never stop learning.
As well as performing they love to share their skills and knowledge, they offer workshops and private classes for all ages and abilities.